
Why use the services of recruitment agencies?

In today’s highly competitive, candidate-driven job market, finding and hiring the ideal job candidate is quite hard. This is why more and more companies are turning to recruitment agencies to help them recruit the right people for their open job positions.

So what has brought on this shift towards using recruitment agencies?

Save time and resources

Recruitment agencies can turn a month-long search into one that lasts just a few days. Knowing when and how to use them effectively can not only reduce the stress of recruiting, it can help you guarantee a long-term hire. Using an agency will also ensure that your employees aren’t stretched too thinly trying to recruit on behalf of your business, or swamped with too much work due to a lack of human resources.

Source the best talent to fit your organisation

Using a recruitment agency means that you’re statistically more likely to source the best talent on the market. This is because people who are actively looking for new positions are more likely to register with agencies. In addition, most recruitment agencies will position their situation vacant adverts on a range of job boards, news portals and social platforms. They use their skills in SEO to ensure that their adverts rank highly in applicants and candidates job searches. This kind of inside knowledge is only really available for those working in the sector.

Recruiters who specialize in certain industries can also advise you on how to negotiate and what to expect in your negotiations. They will let you know what you can realistically expect from the marketplace, and introduce you to candidates in their applicant pool who are exactly the right fit.

Just like any competitive industry, recruiters have learnt to hustle and follow up on all leads – they’ll troll the marketplace for people in similar positions or job opportunities. Their job description does not end once they match a position to a person. Most agencies also offer a number of additional specialist services related to recruitment to ensure a smooth transition for their clients.

While it is important not to discriminate when interviewing for a new position, not to say illegal, you can be more honest with a recruiter about specific traits or skills you may be looking for which could otherwise be misconstrued or misinterpreted.

Finally consider your bottom dollar

The recruiter will know all the details for the job they are recruiting for and be able to place the right candidate for the job so you have nothing to worry about. When you add up all the hours spent on hiring, and that’s without considering the possibility that undertaking this process may not result in filling the respective vacancy, the costs are often quite high.

As you spend more time sifting through CVs, it’s worth remembering that using an agency is more cost-effective than undertaking your own recruitment, especially if you’re a small business.

Given that recruitment agencies have expertise and knowledge in their specialist field, extensive databases and a network of people already looking for work, they are in a position to search for the right candidate more efficiently.

And lastly, it’s also worth remembering that most recruitment agencies operate on a no-placement, no fee basis. In other words, if the client organisation does not employ any of the prospective candidates put forward, then there are no fees charged by the recruitment agency.

Considering using a recruitment agency in Malta? Contact Ceek for all your recruitment needs...