
New job tips - 5 things to remember when settling into a new role

Starting a new job is an exciting time for everyone – both for the new employee and their new work team. While it's easy to lose yourself in the excitement, there are a few things you should bear in mind when making the transition from one role to another.

These new job tips will help navigate workplace politics and settle into your new position.

Be on-brand

So, you've decided it's time to change your job. Whether you’re moving up the corporate ladder or starting your first job, don't forget your personal brand identity. You were hired for a reason – whoever interviewed you liked your personality and felt you were a great fit for the team.

This means they liked you for you – so don’t pretend to be someone you aren’t to impress. That’s not to say you shouldn’t give 110% - people will scrutinise you more in the first 90 days of your employment than they will for the next 90 weeks.

Ask questions

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Everyone was new at some point in their career and felt lost at times. Remember, there's no shame in asking for help and guidance in the first few weeks.

Eventually, you’ll gain enough experience and you’ll be the one answering questions from fresh recruits. If you find yourself struggling, you could always take a course in office skills to help increase your confidence in this area. 

Stay informed

Have a read-through your company's handbook. It helps to understand the company culture at your new workplace. Also, find out who you can go to when you need support. If your new workplace has a buddy system - even better!

Recruits can shadow seasoned employees making it much easier to settle in. If your company doesn't have a buddy scheme, you could suggest one later to help future newbies. 

Make connections

One of the most important aspects of working life is the relationships we build. The more balanced these connections are, the better. Connect with the right people - include decision-makers, information sources, and cheerleaders - all three are valuable contacts.

If there are areas you're passionate about, express yourself. Just remember to make it a conversation and not a monologue. Try proposing new ideas - one of the key benefits of employing new people is the injection of fresh ideas. Your new colleagues will appreciate your input as long as you don't overdo it.

Final pointers

Don't make complaining a habit. Nobody likes a complainer - they only promote negativity. Be positively proactive! Except for break times, keep off your social media. The more committed you are to your new work environment, the more you will progress.

At all costs, avoid dressing inappropriately. Your work environment might be laid-back, but scruffy, smelly, or offensive clothes just won't cut it. Finally, don't forget to take biscuits (the second or third day is probably best). Seriously, everyone loves a biscuit. It will be greatly appreciated during the morning coffee break and so will you!

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