
Ceek job tips: turn your work fears into work wins

Workplace fears are normal – everyone has experienced some form of uncertainty over something related to their job. Whilst a little bit of stress can help your performance, letting your fears get the better of you won’t help you to progress. Here are 3 top workplace fears and how to make them work for you:

Fear of Failure

Fear is not the opposite of success; it’s part of success – Arianna Huffington

Yes, failure is a part of life and you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself, however, a fear of failure, according to Tchiki Davis, can hold you back from success. The good news is there are ways we can change this. Davis suggests:

  • Noting the positives of past failures
  • Viewing the possibility of failure as a challenge
  • Being kind to yourself


Fearing failure makes you stressed. This can be overcome by creating a challenge mindset. Look back at times when a task seemed daunting and yet you overcame it. Remind yourself of this, then visualise yourself successfully completing the task ahead of you.

Be kind to yourself, there will be setbacks when working on a project. You may fail, you may succeed, but either way you’ll be a winner if you practise these steps.



It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most adaptable to change – Charles Darwin

Change is scary but inevitable. In life, there are no guarantees, and this of course applies to the workplace as well. Everything is always changing but it’s how you view and adapt to change that will ensure your success.

Lucia Giovannini advises viewing change as an opportunity to learn, to improve, to advance. When you remove the fear of failure and embrace change, you are able to take back your power zone, your ability to act and leave your comfort zone. That’s where the magic happens and who doesn’t need a little magic in their life?


You can’t change what you will not confront – T.D Jakes

Whether you’re on the giving or receiving end, confrontation is never easy. Dealing with conflict is really all about negotiation. Daniel Schembri of ThinkTalent offers some pointers on how to become a top-class negotiator:

  • Learn how to prepare for negotiation
  • Focus on objectivity – stick to the facts
  • Assess your strengths, weaknesses, and goals
  • Develop a strategy based on a realistic course of action
  • Acquire techniques to conclude a win-win negotiation


Daniel goes on to say that negotiation is the means by which people deal with their differences and therefore some people experience a fear of conflict and failure. To negotiate is to reach a mutual agreement. The key here is to remain objective and don’t take anything said personally. In other words, leave the emotion out of it.

Kathy Caprino for Forbes urges us to confront tough issues saying, we can’t advance, succeed, or grow without confrontation.  Engaging in productive confrontation paves the way for diversity of thought, developing healthy boundaries, and arriving at new, innovative approaches.

Workplace fears pose a challenge that can be overcome. If you’re looking to make a change, contact us here at Ceek Recruitment. We offer CV and career advice as well as matching your values and goals with the right employer for you.