
Ceek job tips: meeting the criteria

So…you don’t meet all the requirements – should you apply?

Finding a job is a difficult process – from sifting through the endless lists of vacancies in Malta to finding ones you’re actually interested in, it can get quite tiring!

Occasionally, you’ll find a job that interests you, a job that lights a spark, but after reading the description, you find that you might not be the perfect fit for the job.

Should you just close the tab and keep looking? Short answer – no. Long answer, read ahead:

The perfect person doesn’t exist

First and foremost, there is no such thing as a perfect fit. Companies and employees aren’t a puzzle, where pieces fit together – they’re more like recipes, where certain ingredients are mixed together to create a cake.

A job description can only explain so much – more often than not it’s a checklist of what a company needs. However, there will be room for compromise and for learning and development. That spark in your brain we mentioned earlier is the driving force behind your next learning curve, and if you think you can handle the challenge, we suggest you do not let a bullet point on a job description hold you back.

Be prepared to go the extra mile

If there are some parts of a job description that you need to work on, find a way to do it. We strongly recommend that you brush up on the skills you lack to prepare yourself for potential interviews.

There is also absolutely nothing wrong in telling an employer that you may need help in some areas – most employers will appreciate your honesty and enthusiasm.

Some things won’t be on the list

Job descriptions are not summaries of what your day-to-day work will involve. There will be other things on the list that aren’t mentioned, and it’s up to you to figure out how you can add more value.

By doing research on the company, or even asking around, you’ll be able to gauge what you have to offer the company, over and above what they’re looking for, and highlight this.

Personality goes a long way

Remember, above all, what’s important is who you are! At Ceek, we believe that companies should not employ based only on skills, but also on personality. Learning hard skills are generally things that can be taught. What actually separates great candidates from mediocre ones is personality and drive.

At Ceek, we’re here to help you land that job! Check out our latest vacancies here.

If you’re an employer, looking to add people to your team, speak to us today to help you find the match you’re looking for.